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autoleveller and tablet compatability

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:18 pm
by booski
Hi there

I've noticed whilst using the site on smaller screens that the menu on the left.

It appears as the 3 lines, but when the menu appears, its a small box up the top.

Hard to describe so best bet is to just try it.

Re: autoleveller and tablet compatability

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:48 am
by daedelus
I just had a look on my galaxy note 2 mobile (using the chrome browser) and It looks OK to me. The menu scrolls out from the left after clicking on the 3 line menu button. This means the text on the page can be read clearly whilst the menu is hidden. For me it looks OK but I havnt tried lots of devices and browsers so it might look messed up for others.

Can you read the page text and navigate OK?