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Solder Mask milling

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:16 am
by Jason
Hello and thank you for this.

I have a question on how to use the AL in order to do milling of the solder mask from my PCB.

I have run the PFG and creates a log file with my height profile.

When i try to run my OGF with the new height data the probe does a z measurment again, problem is that my board is now insulated with the solder mask so i cannot really probe the Z axis. Is there a way to run my OGF wihtout probing the Z axis? My Z axis is already to zero when i did the PFG .

I am pretty new on this software so i suspect im doing something wrong.

I just want to get the probing Z axis data and "join" this to my OGF of the solder mask milling...

I have check youtube and other sources for a step by step instructions but havent been succesful.

I would appreacite some help please.

Thank you
Kind REgards
