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Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 10:13 pm
by phorlakis
Good afternoon dear joeaverage, my name is Frank Phorlakis, and I am not a CNC expert. I have been able to observe that you are a person who has dealt deeply with the topic of compatibility of Mach 4 with the Autoleveller in the Forum. I have tried to solve my problem about 15 days ago and I still have not had success. I have a problem that I would like you to allow me to take a little of your time to see if you can help me solve it. First of all I want to inform you about the equipment I have: Windows 10 + Pokeys57CNC + MACH 4 Hobby (Ver. 4.21.4721) + AutoLevellerAE Ver 0.9.5u2.

The problem I have is when the surface map is being made, there are certain test points that have abnormal behavior ... I have not had the ability to identify where the problem comes from, I do not know if it is Mach 4, or the Autoleveller, etc. I have checked the probe connection well.

The problem is that when the surface map is being created, a series of abnormal events are generated ... so that it can be better understood, I have made 5 small videos ...

Here at this start everything is normal, Autoleveller, test the first point 3 times and only once the following ...

Here it is shown in the second 20 of the Video, when the spindle goes to the point that the test is going to carry out, the spindle moves diagonally.

This video shows how the spindle is digested to the test point diagonally, once the probe has made contact with the PCB, the spindle returns diagonally to the starting point of the diagonal ... after that, now the usillo goes to testify the next point after the diagonal point.

finally this video shows when the test point makes contact with the PCB, but finally it does not go to z = 4 to move, it stays in contact with the PCB ....